Request New Report Recipient

Account Admin, Team Admin, Team Manager, Forensic Examiner, Healthcare Provider

1. Click on Sign in

Click on Sign in

2. Click on Browse Reports

Click on Browse Reports

3. Click on ellipsis to right of report name

Click on ellipsis to right of report name

4. Click on Report details

Click on Report details

5. Click on the down arrow next to Transmission History to expand the section

Click on the down arrow next to Transmission History to expand the section

6. Click on Add new recipient

Click on Add new recipient

7. Click the drop-down below the agency to which you wish to transmit the report

Click the drop-down below the agency to which you wish to transmit the report

8. Click on Courtesy Case to send the report to agencies outside of your county

Click on Courtesy Case to send the report to agencies outside of your county

9. Agencies with gray backgrounds have active MRG Suite accounts

Agencies with gray backgrounds have active MRG Suite accounts

10. Agencies with white backgrounds do not have active MRG Suite Accounts

Agencies with white backgrounds do not have active MRG Suite Accounts

11. If you try to send a report to an agency without an MRG Suite account, a pop-up will appear requesting that you send the report via another method

If you try to send a report to an agency without an MRG Suite account, a pop-up will appear requesting that you send the report via another method

12. Click on Yes if you wish to ask MRG to set up an account for the recipient

Click on Yes if you wish to ask MRG to set up an account for the recipient

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