Share a Report

Account Admin, Report Admin, Team Admin, Team Manager, Forensic Examiner, Healthcare Provider, Recipient

2. Click on Sign in

Click on Sign in

3. Click on Browse Reports

Click on Browse Reports

4. Click on ellipsis to right of report you wish to share

Click on ellipsis to right of report you wish to share

5. Click on Share

Click on Share

6. Use the drop down to choose a team with whom you would like to share the report

Use the drop down to choose a team with whom you would like to share the report

7. Select the user(s) with whom you would like to share the report

Select the user(s) with whom you would like to share the report

8. Click on Next step - confirm

Click on Next step - confirm

9. Click on Add comment (optional) to add an option message

Click on Add comment (optional) to add an option message

10. Click on Next step - confirm

Click on Next step - confirm

11. The receiving user will receive an email and see a red dot below shared indicating shared reports

The receiving user will receive an email and see a red dot below shared indicating shared reports

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