Upcoming Features

Sprint 1 (Jan 31 - Feb 7)

  • Editing reports and saving form contents for all 20 in-scope reports. 
  • Creating and opening reports with versioning. 
  • Display percentage completion. 
  • Infrastructure for notifications. 
  • Report Details page.
  • Patient Lookup UI.
  • Forms available to each team.

Sprint 2 (Feb 7 - Feb 13)

  • Filtering in Browse Reports
  • Edit Report Recipients
  • Report Access
  • Report Details
  • Start of Recipient Notifications

Sprint 3 (Feb 14 - Feb 20)

  • Remediate Form Builder Bugs
  • Search Reports
  • Download Browse Reports View as CSV
  • Report Transmission Frontend
  • Notification Preferences Frontend
  • Report Receipt, Read/Unread Status in Browse Reports View

Sprint 4: (Feb 21 - Feb 27)

  • Multiple Open Report Tabs: a user may now have multiple tabs open. 

Sprint 5: (Feb 28 - Mar 6)

  • Alpha Testing Remediation
  • Final Review: a final review section on each form with lock report. 

Sprint 6:  (Mar 7 - Mar 13)

  • Alpha Testing Remediation: various changes based on RTI testing results and feedback. 
  • Download CSV: in addition to a pdf view of a report, a report's data may also be extracted as a csv. 
  • Courtesy Case Transmission: additional logic in the Transmit Report slideover to accommodate cases where the report is intended for a jurisdiction outside the county. 
  • Preparation of Read-Only Components: this is the precursor for PDF generation of the report. This view also enables a recipient to review the 

Sprint 7 (Mar 14 - Mar 20)

  • Start Body Mapping (Part 1/4)
  • PDF Generation

Sprint 8 (Mar 21 - Mar 27)

  • Start Body Mapping (Part 2/4)

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