Release Notes

MRG Suite v1.88 (May 7,2024)

  • New columns in Browse Reports- Three new columns will be available on the Browse Report page. Agency will display and be editable for team members to update an agency on a report without altering the agency(ies) listed in the report. For advocacy/social workers, Lethality Score and Score Type will display the Danger Assessment score associated with the report.
  • New Billing Report- A new print summary option called Billing Report will allow for users to print out a summary of the report that only contains the facility, basics patient and high-level reporting/ authorization  information. This print summary will not include any assault information and is ideal for billing/ clerical purposes.
  • Transmissions with eFax- A recipient can now be setup with a fax option for sending a report. When eFax is enabled for a recipient, the report follows the transmission process and will be faxed to the recipient’s fax number. After sending the transmission, in the Transmission History a user can see a fax status to see if the fax was successful. If the fax was successful or the report was read by the recipient team, the Browse Report page will show a green dot for the report.
  • Time Delta field- Within the report, a new time delta field will calculate the time between two dates/times. Note that this can be calculated between any two dates and times, but needs to be configured for each form. Please submit requests to or submit a new feature request for any additional values.

MRG Suite v1.80.0

  • Drawable Body Map
  • Injection of data into PDF templates.
  • Analyze Module Filters

MRG Suite v1.2.00 (July 3, 2023)

  • Initial release of the Analyze Module

MRG Suite v0.3.26 (July 10, 2022)

  • Further Form Optimization: the significant computational burden of the embedded form logic means that a new dependency was incorporated to better accommodate this load. As a result, the forms should be 50-60% faster.
  • # Reports Per Page: the number of reports per page was expended to 25, 50, and 100.
  • Body maps on PDFs: body maps also now appear on the pdf reports. 
  • Browse Reports Column Sorting: greater stability in defining the ordering of columns and whether or not they should appear for that user. 
  • MRG Code for Available in Form Selection: there are frequently similar form names that are used across the forms California that must be distinguished when determining which form to use for a team. This includes preparing for a future where versions of forms may change as they are released by agencies such as the CCFMTC.
  • File Management: files can be uploaded and downloaded enabling the addition of supporting documentation, and images both within the body mapping interface and independently. MRG supports JPG, GIF, PNG, and HIEC. Additional RAW format images can be uploaded but must be done outside of the body map interface as this proprietary format is not supported for previews and other image manipulation that must take place to add the image to a PDF report. 
  • UX/UI Fixes: many minor adjustments to UI to replace placeholder text or page breakpoints.
  • Form Builder Components: new form builder components allow for greater clarity on the forms. This includes greater control of the HTML to accommodate a wider range of designs. 

MRG Suite v0.3.19 (June 20, 2022)

  • MFA Fully Enabled: the application now forces users into multi-factor authentication. Passwords also age and will expire every 90 days in accordance with privacy and security policies.
  • Form Builder Component Work: small cleanup including preventing Dates from the future being inputted.  
  • UX/UI Fixes: replacing latin tooltips and other formatting. 

MRG Suite v0.3.07 (May 31, 2022)

  • Error Handling: the application now responds with more clear errors and reduces the visibility of some errors.
  • Bug Fixes: various bug fixes reported by QA and Alpha testers. 
  • Addendums as Tabs: addendums now create tabs for easier navigation and parallel completion of documentation such as a strangulation assessment. 

MRG Suite v0.3.0 (May 23, 2022)

  • Body Mapping Interface: the preliminary body mapping interface is available and undergoing QA. 
  • UX/UI Cleanup: addressed formatting for greater consistency and usability. 
  • Patient Lookup: search patients and autofill information if available. 
  • Modify Cover Pages of Report: to accommodate regionalization of forms (e.g. local forms), greater customization is available for the PDF generated. 

MRG Suite v0.1.21 (May 6, 2022)

  • Add Advocacy Status: users can now track the status of whether a patient has engaged with advocacy services. 
  • CalOES Reimbursement: an application form can now be completed for a CalOES 2-960 Invoice for Reimbursement for Medical Evidentiary Examination for Victims of Sexual Assault. 
  • CalOES Eligibility: from the browse reports table, a recipient can see whether the form is eligible for reimbursement using the CalOES 2-960 form. Currently eligible forms include adult and pediatric sexual assault examination, and Non-Investigative Reports (NIRs). 
  • Configuration Tools: greater administrative capabilities were built to enable potential recipients to be defined by category of form to reduce the potential for forms to be mis-routed. 
  • CalVCB: California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) eligibility and application status can now be updated by Victim Witness and Healthcare Billing users. This status can flow back through the various stages of the process in order to update the intermediary and original forms. 
  • Initial Body Map Interface: a preliminary body mapping interface is available that allows for documentation of injuries and potential findings as well as the addition of associated photographs and notes. A read-only version is available for recipients. 

MRG Suite v0.1.20 (April 27, 2022)

  • New Roles: additional roles are now available including "Law Enforcement Officer" and Advocate/Navigator" which enable recipient accounts to initiate reports even if their accounts are primarily recipient accounts. 
  • Printing Reports: users can now download several different versions of the pdfs for printing, downloading either part or the whole report and including or excluding things like images or identifiable data. Downloaded forms are labeled with: {report_number}{Report Type}{Report Short Code}{UTC Download Date}. 
  • Copy to New Report: a new report can be generated from a partially or fully completed report, which will auto-complete any fields that are the same. This is used for the multi-step processes such as document requests and communication for Victim Compensation Board (VCB) applications. 
  • Victim Compensation Board (VCB) Forms: VCB forms, also known as Victim of Crime (VOC) forms, are connected, enabling the status of a final application to flow through the various steps. 
  • Case # Field Can be Updated: within a report, there are scenarios where the case number may need to be updated (e.g. jurisdiction re-assigned, or Law Enforcement-initiated change in the case number). The rest of the report cannot be changed, however adding a new Case # enables the documentation to be more readily accessible. 
  • Upload Files: Users can now upload files into forms that require this capability. 
  • Form Loading Optimized: the loading of extremely long and complex forms was optimized for better user experience. 

MRG Suite v0.1.19 (April 15, 2022)

  • Search Optimization: search queries against large numbers of reports were optimized from the browse reports view. 
  • Final Review: any missing required fields will be indicated in the final section of forms that require it. 
  • Add or Delete Addendum: from the browse reports table, a user may create an addendum to a report. Saving the documentation triggers a new notification sent to the recipients of the original report indicating that new documentation is available. 
  • Access Expiration Dates: for forms with access that expires for the form creators or recipients, the system will notify the user of how many days are remaining for their access. 

MRG Suite v0.1.18 (April 10, 2022)

  • Download CSV: data from a completed report can be downloaded from the final review section.
  • Report Timeout: for users on the simple usage tier of the application, some reports will time out after 21 days. This applies to both those completing reports and recipients. 

MRG Suite v0.1.17 (March 21, 2022)

  • Final Review Section: greater detail is provided in the Final Review section to identify any missing answers from the form. This represents the third type of form validation, which is additive to (1) progress bar on the left-hand section navigation, and (2) prompt to the user when moving the the following section using the "Next" button. 
  • Lock Incomplete Report: if a report cannot be completed for some reason, a user may override the required fields by providing a justification for locking an incomplete report. 
  • Custom Fields: users on a team can now utilize custom fields to pre-populate certain responses for commonly used questions. 
  • Generate PDF: users can generate PDFs of completed reports in the final review section. MRG can control which fields are rendered on the final report. This draft version is intended for examiners to review a final draft of the report, and will appear with a watermark to dissuade users from printing this incomplete report. 
  • Read-Only Report: a read-only version of the report is available to recipients. This is important for future review of a case report with body maps and any associated images. 
  • DevOps Changes: changes were made to 
  • Form Bug Fixes: 50+ Alpha-testing tickets resolved.

MRG Suite v0.1.16 (March 11, 2022)

  • Browse Reports View Persists: when leaving the Browse Reports view, the current view should persist. So if filters and sorting have been applied, a user may leave this page, but come back and still have all of the filters persisted. 
  • Adding Supplemental Documentation: each form has the ability to have additional documentation added to the form based on a tailored list of available addendums. These can be added from the Report Details page (in the future addendums can be added from the Browse Reports table, and the Final Review section of a form). 
  • Various Bug Fixes on Forms: 50+ Alpha-testing tickets resolved.

MRG Suite v0.1.15 (March 7, 2022)

  • Retransmit Report Details:  a report can be re-transmitted to a recipient. This can be used to provide renewed access to a recipient who may have timed out access to a report. Every transmission is logged individually in the Transmission History of the Report Details page and creates a new notification for a recipient. 
  • Access Expires After 21 Days: once a report has been received by a recipient, they will have access for 21 days. After this period, a placeholder is kept in the browse reports table, however no further access is allowed. 
  • View Read/Unread Status: the read status of a report is now available in the Browse Reports view, as well as in the Report Details page. This enables the sender to verify that the report has been opened by a recipient and provide an indication that the recipient account is regularly being reviewed. 
  • Persist Browse Reports Table View: any searching or changes to the Browse Reports Table are persisted throughout the user's logged-in session if a user leaves the page to complete any other actions.
  • Various Bug Fixes on Forms: 30+Alpha-testing tickets resolved. 

MRG Suite v0.1.14 (Feb. 28, 2022)

  • Lock Report: a report can be locked so that it is unable to be edited further. Further documentation for this case type must be added using an addendum. 
  • Transmit Reports: a completed and locked report can be transmitted to a recipient in the final review section of a  form. Clicking "Transmit to Recipients" triggers a slide-over with options for different recipients. Note that the recipients available for each type of form are set by an administrator. 
  • Recipient Notifications: recipients can now receive notifications when a report is transmitted to them. 
  • Notification Preferences: a recipient can adjust their account's notification settings to identify which types of reports they would like to receive (email, sms, in-app unread notifications). 
  • Revoke Access: a user from the team that has submitted a report may revoke access to the report from the Report Details. This feature is available to help address cases where a report was mistakenly sent. 
  • Search Browse Reports: in the Browse Reports view, a user may search the report metadata to identify cases based on a match of the search. The results are returned in the 
  • Various Bug Fixes on Forms: bug fixes implemented related to the RTI Alpha-Testing. 

MRG Suite v0.1.13 (Feb. 22, 2022)

  • Testing Results Incorporated: Addressed RTI Testing Team's Bug Reports raised for the Sexual Assault e923 (AASA) form and Domestic Violence Report and Referral (DVRR) form. 
  • Form Validation: when a user completes a section, form validation triggers when the user attempts to move to the next section. 
  • Concurrent Report Tabs: under create reports, a user can now have multiple report tabs open simultaneously. 

MRG Suite v0.1.12 (Feb 17, 2022)

  • Save Report Data: reports that have been created, are in progress, or have been completed are assigned unique identifiers and can now be found in the Browse Reports Table. New or partially completed can be re-accessed for editing, but will be only stored temporarily on the development server. 
  • Report Details Page: a user can open the Report Details page containing static information about a summary of the report, addenda, notifications, and chain of custody. In the future, a user will be able to add additional documentation and transmit the report from this view. 
  • User Cues for New Questions Inserted: when form logic dictates that additional questions should be asked, the new fields are inserted and fade in to make it more apparent to the user that additional fields may have been added or hidden. 
  • Triggering Notifications: notifications related to actions initiated by users (e.g. user invitations, new unread reports, password resets...) can now be triggered and received by the designated recipient. 
  • Help Text Component: help text component enables greater formatting of help text within the forms. 

MRG Suite V0.1.11 (Feb. 15, 2022)

  • Browse Reports: the Browse Reports UI is  available, with basic setting and ordering of visible columns. 
  • Forms Available by Team: Template forms and versions can be customized for individual teams as assigned by the Team Manager role. 

MRG Suite V0.1.10 (Feb. 11, 2022)

  • Forms Available: addendum forms set up into independent forms in order to enable testing and accommodate stand-alone use of different screening tools. Additional updates to the forms based on QA testing. 

MRG Suite V0.1.9 and Prior Versions 

  • Forms Available: the content and logic for the mandatory reporting, forensic medical examination, and referral forms are available in the Create Report page.  
  • Team Management: features associated with creating, updating, and administering teams. 
  • Recipient Notifications: enables short-listing of agencies, victim services providers, crime labs, and organizations that most frequently receive reports and/or referrals. A Team manager can manage the list of agencies to ensure correct routing of forms and see descriptions from the teams to understand what the team investigates or what services they may provide. The team description is maintained by the recipient agency/organization. 

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