User Management Overview

Team Manager, Team Admin, Account Admin

2. Click on Sign in

Click on Sign in

3. Click on user menu

Click on user menu

4. Click on People

Click on People

5. Can view all users' name, email, role, mobile, and assigned teams

Can view all users' name, email, role, mobile, and assigned teams

6. Can search users by name

Can search users by name

7. Can invite new users by clicking Invite New User button

Can invite new users by clicking Invite New User button

8. Under role, can see if user invitation is pending

Under role, can see if user invitation is pending

9. Two right of user, can click on ellipsis to view profile, roles/permissions, and deactivate user

Two right of user, can click on ellipsis to view profile, roles/permissions, and deactivate user

10. Can sort users by name, email, or mobile

Can sort users by name, email, or mobile

11. Can view deactivated users by clicking View deactivated people button

Can view deactivated users by clicking View deactivated people button

12. Can change number of results per page

Can change number of results per page

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